Here are a few fun, easy, and healthy snack ideas you're kids are sure to enjoy!!





Apple Flower
All you need is an apple (I love granny smith, but its up to you) and peanut butter. Peel the skin off of the apple and cut the apple into small slices shaped like petals (Kids, let you're parents do this part). On a small round plate drop a spoonful of peanut butter in the middle and place the petals around it so it looks like a flower. Its that easy!

Chic nuggets
Worried you're kids aren't getting enough protein? Well, I was...however, I was not to thrilled to feed my daughter meat that was pumped with additives. I purchased Morningstar (Meatless) Chic Nuggets and it solved all my problems...They are delicious (taste like chicken!) , filled with healthy ingredients like vegetables and soy, and contain 14g. protein per serving and half the fat of regular chicken nuggets.. Great with dipping sauces!

Baby peas
This ones for the littlest ones...instead of spending too much on jars of baby food, use frozen vegetables. They are the same thing you get from Gerber, only cheaper. Frozen peas are a perfect snack on the go and here is the kicker--you don't even need to heat them up! Frozen peas are great for baby because they are cold and icy on their teething gums, and great for mom because you know you are feeding your kid something healthy!

Try This Tasty Sandwich...
Judy loves this one and so will your kids!
Spread cream cheese on two slices of whole wheat bread, spread thinly sliced cucumbers onto the cream cheese, then top with sliced ham. Simple and delicious!

--From Katie