[January 13, 2006] Well, I thought I would be able to wait until delivery for the final word on a name. Who was I kidding? I'm way too impatient. Anyway, Fiona Susan Aitken it is. The selling point for Sean??? I told him her nickname can be "Fee". That is the name of one of his favorite songs--it's by Phish. It's a really good song. So, yaaaay, we have a name !!! --Katie

[January 3, 2006] I will...we may wait until the delivery, to see what she looks like. Fiona's number one right now, though! --Katie

[January 3, 2006] hey katie: please let us know what the baby's name will be as soon as you and sean figure it out, ok? --grandy

[August 18, 2005] This is so cool. Its a postcard that daddy sent to his family while overseas in 1962!!!

[June 28, 2005] I think it was just a random number, unless subconsciously I know when the end of the world is going to be...who knows? --Katie

[June 28, 2005] Hey Katie, why did you say by the year 2045 when talking about the "rest of our lives"? Do you know something we don't know? Should we call you Katienostradamus? --David

[June 22, 2005] What does everybody think of this idea? I no longer add photo gallery pages--instead, I replace the first pics with newer ones, and build from there. Basically recycling the spots. It is getting HUGE, and if we let it continue as long as we live, there will be thousands of photo gallery pictures by the year 2045, and we will have no space left on our computer. If you absolutely hate the idea, I will figure out something else...email me with your thoughts-- katie@rositaverdita.com
Votes so far:
Yes-II No-I

[May 14, 2005] I can't finish the caption contest since nobody is sending any captions. --Sarah
(side note from the webmaster: Sarah H. has added some entries to Jono's Shout Out)

[May 14, 2005] Ok, everybody what is going on? No one is posting anything new lately. I do appreciate you, Kenny for your sports update and you David and Amy for your pictures from your recent trip and you, Katie for putting a picture on of the hamster in her cage. And even you, Caryn on updates and pictures of Cooper Homet.  But, generally every time I go on the website things are the same! I am tired of reading Sarah asking Judy about snow days, (no offense, Sarah) and I am tired of reading the same question over and over again about how you would change things if you could go back in time. I am mostly tired of seeing my picture on Sarah Homet's page with cars with big tires on them behind me. I am snarling. Please, let's get on with this contest and get it over! So, how about someone asking Judy a new question? How about someone giving us their opinion about something on soapbox? Where is Lockatoo? Where is Si? When will I get to read his review of Napolean Dynomite? GOSH!!!! Where is Shannon with her weekly column on Okinawa? (I loved that column). We visited in February and that was her last article. Please come back Shannon. We have not even heard from Jono.  In my opinion, even arguing is better than this.-- Mom

[April 19, 2005] UPDATE!! Here is Cooper Homet at 6 weeks old!


[April 5, 2005] Here is Cooper Homet at 3 weeks old. He will be arriving April 29th on an airplane to join the family! --Caryn


[April 3, 2005] I am responding to you telling us that Zoe had just locked you down the basement, Amy. Her father also locked me in the basement once - he was probably just around her age. I pounded on the door because I was so afraid David would get hurt or something. He would not come back to the door. I continued to scream and pound. Then the door opened and Dad was standing there with three elders from Oklahoma that he had just picked up from the airport. One of my many humiliating moments. --Susan

[April 1, 2005]

Last week at lunch Zoe refused to eat her pasta (which she had asked for). We told her she could not leave the table until she had eaten at least a few bites. This is a picture of her about 45 minutes later when we came to check on her progress. I hate to see what she would do to get out of eating brussel sprouts. P.S. David just had to let me out of the basement because Zoe locked me down there and then denied doing it! WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!


[March 25, 2005] I never said I miss you Lockie. I just wondered why you haven't updated your game in finity years. Without your word games I have nothing better to do on Friday nights but watch repeats of Head of the Class and Mr. Belvidere. Not that that is a total waste of an evening, it just doesn't challenge my brain like your word games. --Sibert

[March 24, 2005] So you miss me, Brothy? I was trying to play hard to get to see who would miss me. --Locky

[March 19, 2005] Brothy! Locky has been really busy - GOSH!!!! I know she has a new job and she is buying a new teepee (her and lenny haven't found a new reservation yet so they are setting the teepee up in aunt jj's yard) GOSH!!! All that stuff takes time.  And I know Lenny is really stressed out with his new job of charging batteries at KB Toys. (Maybe if they read this they will write to you). Grandy

[March 17, 2005] Does anyone know the whereabouts of sissy Lockie? She seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Her columns have not been written, her games have not been posted, and she never calls or writes or nothin'. What's the dealio yo? Is she being held against her will by the hamster? Have the southern climates turned her once carefree and innocent heart into a cold uppity belle who has little time for the likes of Brothy and Boo? In the words of Mama Babs from her brilliant movie Yentel, "Locky, Can you hear me?" Or as Papa Topel queried? "Where is my Little Bird? Little Havana? She was always such a pretty little thing. Everybody's favorite girl. What a sweet little girl you were, Havalah..." --Brother Si

[February 23, 2005] I read that mom, dad, Jimmy, and Tina are going to be in a skit on tv in Japan in Shannon's column? Does anyone else think this is hilarious? Is there any way we can see it?? --Sarah

[February 23, 2005] this is a conversation between Katie & Sarah today. Figured it might help lift some spirits and we figured, since nobody reads this darned thing anyway, why not post it?

KatieDidIt26: a bath might do the trick
Sarahbisher: it's kinda like a soothing bath for the soul
KatieDidIt26: its kinda like.......a bath can "wash away" your anger ....MMMmmmMMMMMMM
Sarahbisher: hahahahaha
Sarahbisher: I guess a bath truly can wash more away than just the dirt and grime...It washes away dirt and grime in your heart

We want to challenge everyone to go an take a bath today.

[February 3, 2005] On page one of the mcgunnigle stuff the picture on the bottom of my parents - i think david resembles grandpa there and sarah resembles grandma. does anyone agree? --Mom

[January 24, 2005] Guess who now owns the land where the Condon Castle is??? click here...

[January 18, 2005] Click here to see The Faces of Emily Bisher!!!

[January 17, 2005] Click here to see Caryn's list of top ten books which have no content!!!

[January 17, 2005] Once again I truly apologize for my indiscretion. I've had the "d" word removed from my original post. It will never happen again. --Caryn

[January 17, 2005] MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you! In church we just had a lesson on not swearing, and now my own mother, who is one of the LEADERS of the church, swears. Does this mean it's okay to swear? I'm confused. Well, I have to get over the shock now. ---Cousin Sarah

[January 10, 2005] I apologize for the "d" word. The truth is I did it for shock value, but I haven't uttered a bad word since I was 17 years old- and that's the truth. I did feel strongly about defending myself and the way I feel about Mom and Dad though. I'm all for honesty, but I agree with David and thank him for his wise (and biblical) words.--Caryn

[January 9, 2005] Ok david. I'm sorry I said the thing about "Your a married woman!" to Caryn. I was just joking because one time we were at a water slide park and Caryn went down the slide and...Oh nevermind. --Sarah

[January 9, 2005] Paul said, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." In other words, there is no reason to try to air grievances here. Bringing up "loaded questions" does nothing but divide us as a family. To paraphrase, "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." That goes for both sides of the family. As Paul goes on to say in the following verses... "Nor should there be obscenity..." So no more using the D--- word. This site is supposed to be enjoyable for the family. This is not a place to publicly rebuke one another or attempt to tear each other down.There has been enough division in this family over the last few decades. Let us instead focus on the things that encourage one another rather than the things that divide us. We all love Mom and Dad. Focus on that. We all like music, sports, art, politics, religion. Lets try to focus on these. --David

[January 8, 2005] Caryn! You can't swear! Your a married woman! --Sarah

[January 8, 2005] Caryn, I guess I missed your email. If there is a preference for superficiality on this website, I will respect that. The question was not meant to divide, but to bring to the surface some important issues. If you choose to report that you grew up poor, you had to put yourself through college or you were an abused child - all I can say is, I was there too and somehow your perception was skewed. And if Judy chooses to puke and not answer the question, that says mouthfuls (ew). The question and answers were for the benefit of mom and dad - who deserve a few votes of confidence for once.--Jim

[January 8, 2005] Caryn, I appreciate what you said, but for the love of Gosh please do not use profanities on this website. Remember, "We are kid-friendly". Love, Mom

[January 8, 2005] I have already called Mom and Dad and e-mailed all the siblings. But for the record: As a member of the 1st batch I'm very grateful for our parents. No one is perfect, but they did a good job raising us. Let us all offer one another grace and acceptance (along with honesty and directness.) I hope that this website can promote unity rather than division, which I think was the original intention. Love to you all. --Caryn

[January 6, 2005] I think you should put Caryn's picture of her beautiful necklace under "The Outlet". Its quite a piece of art. Maybe she could design some more necklaces and give them as gifts. --Sarah

[January 6, 2005] Handy, isn't it time for a new "How To" entry anyway?? I mean...its been like nine years since we heard anything new from you. Maybe you should do a "How to hook up and use a scanner"

[January 6, 2005] Jono--I like your drawings. They are in fact NICE and DA'BOM. --anonymous

[January 6, 2005] Hey Mom, you should send that story to Godiva Chocolates and maybe they will use it as a commercial to show how Chocolates can save lives.--David

[January 5, 2005] So! How do you all like my drawings? Are they NICE? Are they DA'BOM? Are they STOOPID? (with two Os...)--Jono

[January 5, 2005] Sorry, Grandy, I had to get somewhere, so I slacked on the info...I will fill it in now. --Homes

[January 5, 2005] homey - I like your pictures.Which year did you paint the one with the bugs? --grandy

[January 5, 2005] I was wondering that, too. I plan on answering the "question" about being a Condon. I am just trying to word it in just the right way. Was anyone else planning on answering it? --Katie

[January 5, 2005] Is there an aversion amongst us to some of the deeper or possible controversial questions posed on this site? --Jim

[January 4, 2005] If you ask real nicely Handy might be able to do a "How To" section on scanners, digital cameras, and photoshopping pictures so they look cool.

[January 4, 2005] I am really enjoying all of the pictures you are putting on the website, Jimmy.Some of them I have never seen.  I also have a scanner and Sean taught me how to use it so I will be posting some good pictures of all of you from times past. --Mom

[January 4, 2005] Caryn, You should be able to use your scanner by loading the software on your 'puter (CDRom) and plugging it into your computer. That's all I had to do. I think I've overloaded Katie with the pictures I've been sending - I'll try to be selective. Are there certain people or time periods anyone would like pics of? I think I might scan a few of the London pictures - although they're pretty depressing. I also have lots of Katie and Sarah growing up - I might scan a few of those. --Jim

[January 4, 2005] Can anyone tell me how to use a scanner and send in pix? (Jim?) We just got one too but I don't know how to use it. --Caryn

[January 4, 2005] I love the pictures you sent in, Jim...I didn't have any of those, so I'm glad you did. ---Judy

[January 3, 2005] I realize this is long - but do you think it could be posted on the Soapbox to generate discussion? I think it's an excellent piece from Paul Harvey..

Click Here to view it, then respond on soapbox if you wish... --Jim

[December 19, 2004] Dad--We need some Christmas recipes posted...perhaps your duck a l'orange, your bacon-wrapped dates, or your stuffing??? --Katie

[December 17, 2004] Don't Locky and Lenny make a beautiful couple? Can't wait to see how the hamster turns out.

[December 9, 2004] Hello, gang. Sorry, been so busy lately. You know, I just remember those days of sitting on my dads lap in our beautiful two story house in Bangkok, Thailand listening to that wonderful Neil Diamond music. That is one big childhood memory. Neil Diamond rocks! Also, Thanks for the props! David, that is great that you can crank up one of his songs! Jimmy, I do remember that "Drops of Jupiter" night. That was a lot of fun. Take care. --Ken.

[December 9, 2004] That is sooo funny, Jim, because that is the exact same song I think about when I think about Kenny.."I've been seeing Lisa now for a little over a year...." "but not as a black man, I BELIEVE love is the answer, I BELIEVE love will find a way!" What a powerful song! You go, Kenny! --Katie

[December 9, 2004] Kenny does have some "interesting" taste in music - we all know that. What I appreciate about him is he's not ashamed of this and he's not afraid to belt one of the songs out at the drop of a hat. I'll never forget Kenny singing Karaoke in a restaurant one night when Train's "Drops of Jupiter" had just come out. Kenny agreed to get up there and sing the song - and he had never heard it before. One of my all-time favorite Kenny songs is "I believe" when he so sincerely sings "but not as a black man"! Kenny, you rock. --Jim

[December 9, 2004] Dad, can you post your egg nog recipe? --David

[December 9, 2004] Oh, Katie, I don't think your love for Air Supply was ever really a secret. My greatest guilty pleasures are Chicago and a little song we all know as "My Sharona". Remember when I went through that phase when all I bought was old 80s CDs before it was cool to like 80s music? --Sarah

[December 9, 2004] Some of my guilty pleasures? lets see..."Just To See Her" by Smokey Robinson always puts me in a good mood ; Snoop Dogg's CD that he released in 94ish--I know every word; anything from the Pet Shop Boys; and I'm right there with you on the Air Supply, Broth. espesh "Making Love out of Nothing AT All"...I think you know that already though.--Katie

[December 9, 2004] Thanks for the apology Jono, we're all good now. Judy, I am sorry if you thought I was insulting Kenny's taste in music. I wasn't - we all love Kenny and his taste in music (most of it). To be honest, when I am alone in my car and no one is around, I have been known to turn up the radio to sing along with Neil. Some of my other guilty pleasures are Rod Stewart and Air Supply. I know its not cool, but I can't help but sing along at full volume sometimes. - Brothy

[December 9, 2004] Please do not insult my husbands taste in music. He can't help it if he loves Neil Diamond- Judy

[December 9, 2004] I want to say right now that I'm not sending this because my dad told me to. I apologize to any one insulted on Jono's Shout Out, particularly Cousin Sarah and Brothy. I promise that I will not use this site to insult or offend anyone, or even joke. I am sorry for the hurt that I've caused. --Jono

[December 8, 2004] That wasn't David who said that, Jim, it was Brothy. He is sorry. He gets very defensive about his taste in Music. (Neil Diamond Rocks!) Sorry Jono. By the Way, Jono - The list of favorites on Brothy's web site is meant as a joke. No one really likes Neil Diamond (except for Uncle Kenny). But many people do like the old MGM movies, so don't insult those. --David

[December 8, 2004] Joey owes a number of people a huge apology - unfortunately he confuses humor and insults. I got onto him this AM when I saw he had sent the comments about Sarah. I did not expect that the comments would be posted - and I am sorry they were. He's in school at the moment - but when he gets home, he'll have some major apologizing to do. In the mean time - calling him a snot nosed punk is not helping matters (David).--Jim

[December 8, 2004] Oh, yes. Jono also insulted Brothy, saying he has a bad taste for movies and books. And I'm still crying and raging mad!!! ---Cousin Sarah

[December 8, 2004] I think mom is a very creative writer. I love reading her articles. Hopefully she gets inspired again soon. It's still hard for me to imagine them being "seniors". It's always interesting reading everyone's earliest memories. --Jim

[December 8, 2004] On Jono's shoutout, I can't help notice that Jono called me "immature". I'd just like to say that really hurt and I'm crying right now. --- Cousin Sarah

[December 7, 2004] Katie, I wanted to let you know how grateful we all are that you have worked as hard as you have to create such a great website. Despite being extremely busy, we have found the site updated so quickly when items are sent and we really appreciate your hard work. It's challenging being so isolated from family and friends over here - you have made it possible for the kids to be in regular contact with family and friends. The first thing they do in the morning is check the website and their email. I also realize some of us can be very demanding regarding what we think should be on the website. You are the "Webmaster" - don't hesitate at any point to put your foot down and say "no" if requests are unrealistic or if someone is asking for too much. Thanks again Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Jim

[December 7, 2004] Stop speculating as to why my writing has stopped please! I am busy day and night selling things on e-bay. As soon as I run out of things to sell or make what I consider to be enough money I might be inspired to write again. I am glad to be missed though. --Mom

[December 7, 2004] I like the idea of Katie's catch phrases. "Salad at a crowded dinner table is better than steak in a bush!" --Locky

[December 7, 2004]"I've just been waiting to see if everyone would miss me! And you do! Brothy? Are you "anonymous?" I knew you loved me and missed me and my talents. If anyone wants to call me on the phone, I will sing a song for them. Like, Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid. Or Part of your World from the Little Mermaid. Or Little Chavala from Fiddler on the Roof. I also know stuff from Veggie Tales for the kids. And yes, Grampy, I'll sing Barbara Streisand for you. (he always BEGS me to sing for him) p.s. How come Grampy never contributes to the website? He started this whole mess..." --Lock

[December 7, 2004] Locky hasn't written a new article or contributed to this web site in months. Is she okay? Did she get a brain freeze from too much ice cream and lose the creative section of her cerebral cortex? I say get some shock therapy and get it in gear turkey! There are bored family members dying to be entertained! I can only play Joey's Dancing President games so many times before I stop laughing out loud and begin longing once more for the wholesome, non-political humor of everyone's favorite misfit! Locky - We Need You! -Anonymous

Also, Homey may be busy with getting the web site all nice and pretty, but I think she needs to have a page devoted to all of the great catch phrases she has inspired over the years. ex: "Shut It", "Don't you worry about that Linda Blair", or my favorite "You know where it was if it was ...(Edited for content due to the family atmosphere of this web site)." - Anonymous

[December 7, 2004] Not yet...I wish. He keeps saying he will; but, unfortunately, he is very busy.

[December 7, 2004] I think we should all be more aware that this website is not Katie's full time job. I know it's fun and we all want to participate as much as possible but some things might take longer than you would think. I know we are all proud of Katie and the fact that she is a wonderful mother/wife/preschool teacher/nursing student so lets cut her some slack and try to be more patient and respectful of her time. With that said, has Sean figured out a blog system so we can post ourselves without having to email you everything, Katie?

[December 7, 2004] Rumor has it that mom is working on an article on Lulu. --Sarah

[December 6, 2004] I think she goes through creative spurts. She is in a slump right now, but I don't want to nag her, because it makes her stressed out. All we can do is hope that she will find her inspiration again real soon...--Katie

[December 6, 2004] How come those funny and insightful articles from mom have stopped? --Judy

[December 2, 2004] I love hearing all about Japan in shannons webpage, and Spotlight on Molly.Where is Joey? Keep it coming- Aunt Judy

[November 17, 2004] no attitude here

[November 17, 2004] Katie, Whats up with the attitude?--Judy

[November 17, 2004] I wanted to thank you for the recipes available online. I just print them out and use them with the kids. They are fun because we talk about who submitted them and It is fun for the kids to have Grandys potatoes etc. They are also very tasty. --Judy

[November 17, 2004] First of all, did your mom tell you to write that? Second of all, I have been waiting patiently for one, JUST ONE, kid besides Boo to send me something to put up. The minute I get a short story, an illustration, a GAME, whatever....I will start a "Kid Zone" or "Kids Stuff" section. I think all the children should start off by sending me ideas on what to name it. I am pretty busy, so I can't do it all myself. Besides, i wouldn't know what kind of games and stuff to use. SO HELP ME!--Katie

[November 16, 2004] Why doesn't the website have games? Can we make this site more kid friendly. I mean there are alot of grandkids and we have things to say too. Thank you --Bailey Hart

[November 4, 2004] I am so very happy that George W. Bush was reelected.  Seems that the issue all along was moral values. It is about time that the media admit that MOST of the country has good moral values and is upset with the decline in morality in our country in the past few years. I am sick of being sneered at and looked down upon because I believe in God and the standards that He lays out in the Bible.

It seems that God has not given up on our country. --Susan

[November 4, 2004] I can't wait until the "Cooking with Cesca" column is up and running. I am waiting with baited breath. --Susan

[November 4, 2004] Europe... They are a great people. Really, I mean it. But they hate us. They hated us before Bush and they will continue to hate us after Bush. Europeans don't hate our wealth, but rather the way we squander our wealth. Everything is super sized today... including myself! As the materials of the earth are depleting, we continue to use them more and more. We, Americans, make up 7% of the world, and we use 70% of the earth's resources. It sounds like it makes sense why other countries dislike us. It also sounds a little bit like the (former) envy of Red Sox fans staring at 26 Yankee championships... the moral is - Europeans will have their day in the sun. Right now it's America's time. No great dynasty in the history of the world has lasted 'Forever'. ~ Blair

[November 3, 2004] Um, Kenny, I think it would be a good thing to have Europe on our side...--katie

[November 3, 2004] Whose your daddy? That's right, Bush Won.  Take that Europe!  --kenny

[October 27, 2004] I am really annoyed at your "Dear Judy" columnist. I asked her a simple question and she made me feel ten times worse than I did before. Do you really think you should have someone who obviously hates dogs as your advice columnist? Social Services should take Max away from her. Just my opinion.

[October 26, 2004] Well Election Day is almost here - guess everyone has pretty much made up their minds who they are going to vote for. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Yes, everyone, the Red Sox did beat the Yankees. It appeared that the Yankees deserved it - they were getting too big for their britches. Dad and I are now Red Sox Fans (at least for this world series)
We will be sending everyone a Target gift certificate for Christmas again this year - if you would prefer something else (like just the money) let us know and we will work it out. --Susan

I miss Forrest - where is he? Does Precious still get to see him? [October 22, 2004]
I think that everyone has a few hot button issues that they will vote on.  For me it is who will be in charge when two or three seats in the US Supreme Court become vacant.  Think about it ... these people are voted in and are allowed to stay until they retire.  They will be making legal decisions that will affect our way of life for decades.  This is very important if you believe in the sanctity of life and marriage.  I know over one thousand people have died after choosing to fight for our freedom in a war that we should not have gotten in but how many babies will die in the future if we get a president who does not believe his "Christian beliefs should affect his decision making."  Love to you all, Aunt Beth

[October 19, 2004] I was very annoyed to hear the differences in the bush/kerry medical insurance plans.  Kerry wants to spend 900 billion dollars, yes 900 billion dollars in the next ten years to add on to the medicaid program.  Thats his plan to put us in debt to continue to give  to people who do not want to want more assastance.  I am sick of paying for people who choose not to work.  We will go into more debt and this is only going to aid in a small population in our country.  This does not help the working people of our country. Bush wants 90 billion spent over ten years to help people who are paying for medical insurance out of pocket and for medical expenses to be deducted easier.  I like the bush plan, lets help the people who are working and contributing to society.  Lets give people an incentive to work and get health coverage either on their own or through a job.  Thank you and now you know where my vote is going.   Judy      Plus I think Kerrys chin is way too lonnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!

[October 19, 2004] I plan on it. I really hope to find out that all that stuff is not true. --katie

[October 18, 2004] I suggest you also see the movie "Fahrenhype 9/11" so you can get both sides before you form an opinion. --Susan

[October 17, 2004] I first learned these things when I saw 'Farenheit 9/11'--That documentary by Michael Moore...After I saw it, I was disguisted, sad, and partly in disbelief. I looked up more info on the web, since I was still a little sceptical, and saw that it is basically common knowledge in some circles. Whenever I hear him speak now, it all seems to make sense. He has very vague answers to specific questions regarding his whole foreign policy...like he has two or three cliches a week that he comes out with when he is put on the spot.

[October 17, 2004] I certainly respect your right to your own beliefs. But where are you getting your information? I am really interested in getting to the bottom of this - but I need your sources. Can you provide all of us with them? What you say goes against eveything I have ever heard or believed about George W.
Thanks. Susan

Hey everyone! What do you think of them Yankees?

[October 16, 2004] For Halloween, I will be Hermanie, Bailey will be Mouthoy, and Keagan will be Dorothy. Do you go trick-or-treating in Japan Shannon? If not, how do you celabrate Halloween?

[October 15, 2004] I'm really tired right now, its 2am, but I feel I must warn you that George W. Bush is just as immoral, if not MORE immoral than Kerry. Thats the big problem with this election.. He's leading the country to believe that he is waging this war to protect us, when he's really waging this war for oil and money. Mainstream media is greatly influenced by the government. Half the country believes that they are doing the right thing by voting for Bush because, being a republican, he is naturally anti-abortion and has conservative views (which, for the record, I am ALL FOR). Plus, we have all been scared to death into thinking that if Bush is not re-elected, then our guard will be let down, and we will be attacked. Thats what he wants us to believe so that we will back what he is trying to do over there...which has more to do with power and money than it has to do with "smoking them outta their holes." I just feel that there is a lot more going on than meets the eye. Perhaps I'll go into more detail tomorrow when I have more energy.--Katie

"A secure and efficient border is key to our economic security." - Bush, 9/9/02

However, his actions showed no priority in keeping our borders safe--His 2004 Budget slashes total Border and Transportation Security" by $284 million. LIES!!! He talks a big talk, but when it comes down to it--he has not followed through with anything he has claimed to do to keep us safe. He told us that the #1 most wanted man in america was Osama Bin Laden--the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Guess who was on the only airplane still authorize to fly in the U.S. on 9/11?? Bin Laden's family who was living here!! Nobody even questioned them about Osama's whereabouts. Bush, Jr. and Sr. are friends with the Bin Laden Clan. (of course they don't want many people to know about this) They are all in the oil business together. In fact, right before 9/11, George W. was tipped by the saudi's and sold his stock in the country's oil...making billions. He is a selfish, money-hungry man, who is using the tragedy of 9/11 to get him what he wants--and to keep Americans on his side.

[October 15, 2004] Plus, John Edwards has a really gross wart on his upper lip.  Do you really want to spend the next 4 (possibly 8) years looking at that? --Sarah

[October 15, 2004] I respect your opinions, Katie. I feel like I must warn you, though, to not judge George Bush too harshly on his speaking abilities. Lots of people are good strong leaders and have no speaking ability whatsoever. On the other hand, John Kerry's eloquence does not mean he will necessarily be a good leader. (he was a trial lawyer for many years so has learned how to make a good presentation).

I think George W is a good, moral man--he has very strong people around him also. I believe John Kerry is not such a moral man and does not really even have any convictions.

My last point is "could you really stand to have Terest Heinz Kerry in the White House for four years as the first lady?"

I am glad you are taking some stands because this election will affect the quality of life for your children and grandchildren. --Susan

[October 15, 2004] George Ws facial expressions, his immature reactions (ie. "I know that!  I know who attacked us.  I know that!), the way he winked at the audience after he thought he said something cool, and the way he grimaced after Kerry said something bad about him only made him more likable in my mind.  I know your a liberatarian (or whatever) but I like him.  I think he's cute.

[October 14, 2004] Alright Sarah, I wasn't aware that you watched the debates. Thank you for clarifying that for me. Didn't you like it when George W. Bush awkwardly started to say something stupid, and giggled nervously, and said "uhh...okay...nevermind" ? Cringe city!

[October 14, 2004] Katie,  The Apprentice is my escape.  I don't have to feel stressed about real life issues.  I watched all three presidential debates without even changing the channel once and I even watched the vice presidential debate.  I just don't like it when they happen to fall on Thursday nights.  I look foward to Thursday nights all week long and all day on Thursday, I get a giddy feeling about sitting down with the fam, in my pjs, and forgetting about all the "real" things going in in life.  I am very aware of what is going on "in the world and in our country right now."  I just don't like to be "aware" of it every second of the day.  And just in case your wondering, I also stay on top of every Red Sox game.  Last night, I even woke up and checked the score 3 times.  Blair didn't even do that.  p.s. (We are not making this a personal battle because we are having a healthy discourse and I respect your opinions and trust you respect mine as well.=))

[October 14, 2004] I'm sorry, but I must say something in regards to Sarah's post yesterday. I can see getting annoyed with sports interfering with your reality tv shows, but the presidential debate??? How much more reality do you want than that? There is a lot going on in the world and in our country right now, and its important to hear what the presidential candidates have to say. --Katie

[October 13, 2004] I dumped Forrest, remember?? Goth means that he dyes his hair black and wears all black and puts on scary make-up--like he's trying to scare people as a defense mechanism. He tries to be creepy, but he's harmless; he's just really insecure. He's really good at computers too, but he doesn't want anybody to know that.

[October 13, 2004] Katie, don't get discouraged--you are doing a great job! I know most of the rest of us could not do what you are doing and we are thankful for all of your hard work on our family website. Hopefully when we all learn the rules, we will not need to be moderated anymore. Thank Cornelius for helping, too. What does "Goth" mean? Is that where he is from or his nationality? How did you meet this guy? And whatever happened to Forrest?


[October 13, 2004] Judy, I agree with you wholeheartedly about Reality TV.  I spend much of my time thinking about The Apprentice.  I've even been known to go onto NBCs website to read about the candidates during the week.  I get annoyed when they interrupt these programs with the Presidential Debates as well.

[October 13, 2004] As the web site moderator and the webmaster extraordinaire, I apologize for not screening the soapbox entrys as I probably should. I personally cannot wait until the day that Cornelius sets us up with a real 'BLOG' which will allow us to post our own comments, announcements, etc., so I will not have this responsibility of adding and censoring comments all day long. Somebody called me just now in the middle of my lovely nap to inform me of heavy website traffic, and since I am the web site moderator and webmaster extraordinaire, I was obligated to wake up and allow everyones comments to be publicized. I'm not complaining, since I got myself into this, I just want everyone to know that I am doing the best I can.

[October 13, 2004] Ryan gives a shout out to Grandy,   Love Ryan

I wanted to add some things to David's statement about the Condons living in cities where the teams win. The Yankees and Dodgers in the fifties and early sixties. The Amazing Mets in the late sixties. And let's not forget Larry Byrd and the Celtics in the eighties in Boston. It is a good feeling living where teams win. Sorry about last night, Red Sox Fans.

[October 13, 2004] ok I am back - francesca called me up and apologized for upsetting me with her post. I think our webmaster and moderator, Katie needs to take a firm stand on people bashing other people. Otherwise there will be many hurt feelings here. I also think we need to screen all of our articles to make sure everything is kid-friendly - I will not mention any names, Kennard.

[October 13, 2004] Katie I would like to add something into the soapbox.  I have found that since we have moved so often,   I do not give one darn about any athletic team. I do not care who wins or loses. I do not have any alegiance to any team, and I get very angry if they get in the way of my beloved realty tv shows, such as big brother, surviver or the apprentice.   --Judy

[October 13, 2004] For the record: My post was stirred by Red Sox Nation zeal, not by past familial resentments. The matriarch and I are resolved. --Caryn

[October 13, 2004] Maybe it would be better not to offer any personal opinions about politics, religion, or controversial sports teams.--Caryn

[October 13, 2004] Cornelius is Homey's new goth boyfriend.

[October 13, 2004] I think some of us have the tendancy to retaliate against other people in a joking manner.  We all made the decision to not use this website as an open forum to complain about eachother.  Obviously, there are sensitive people in our family.  Let's just keep it positive, OK? 
p.s. Who is Cornelius? --Sarah


[October 12, 2004] Are you serious?? Final post on this whole website, or just the soapbox? --Katie

[October 12, 2004] fine - maybe i am just being ultra sensitive today - but i have had it with you group of turncoats and i am sick and tired of hearing you complain about moving around. didn't you just move your brood to virginia, caryn? and won't they be moving very soon again into another house? as i have said many times before i regret moving you to boston for many obvious reasons. this will be my final post on this website. toodloo.

[October 12, 2004] I find it interesting that every time we did move, the home team in each city for various sports did very well. Is this a coincidence? Yankees and Giants in the '70s, Red Sox and Patriots in the Mid-Eighties, Buccaneers in the early 90s, not mention the great run the Braves had while we lived in Atlanta. They haven't been doing that great since we left. But the Yankees have been back the last few years. I am interested to know who in the family is the good luck charm. If we found out, we might be able to cash in on it. I am sure Ted Turner or Steinbrenner would be willing to pay big bucks for the Condon residency. By the way, the one team I never ever rooted for no matter wear we lived was the Red Sox. --David

[October 12, 2004] She does have a point, mom...if you wanted us to remain yankees so badly, you sure as heck didn't act like it....moving us to NJ, and to Boston, then to Nashville, and then to many other various non-yankee locations, expecting us to stay true to a state for which we spent only a small percentage of our lives? Every decision we make involving our children has its future reprocussions... --Katie

[ October 12, 2004] I find it a bit ironical that somone would be badmouthing those who have given over their loyalties to the beloved Red Sox. After all- wasn't it this very person who forced- or should I say "yanked" those innocents from Yankee territory and into Red Sox territory 20 years ago this very month!!! Did she not consider the consequences as her children lay wailing in their beds about yet another move? Now 20 years later, including grandchildren, the Sox fans have far outnumbered the Yankee fans in the Condon clan. And in the end we have but the family's matriarch to blame...or to thank. --Caryn

[ October 7, 2004 ] Surely, being that our family settled in New York in 1642, SOMEONE would represent the New York Yankees on our Sports Page. Like it or not, you Condon people are New Yorkers! Come to think of it, you should like it! The Yankees always win!!