I regret to inform you that due to several bad dreams Boo no longer "loves" dinosaurs. He is merely fond of them and even then only the nice ones. Because of this change in circumstances and due to the lack of interest by the general population of the family, "Boo's Dinosaur Page" will be considered on indefinite moratorium.
When asked for comment Boo said, "I am entering a phase in my life where I am more into Superheroes than prehistoric animals. If anyone has any questions about Superman, Batman, or Phoenix I would be happy to help. I am expanding my interests and seeking therapy for my former obsession."
When asked about the bad dreams that led to this decision, Boo responded, "What goes on in the shadows of our minds in the blackness of night is a private thing. The T-Rexes and Liopleuridons which we battle on the landscape of our imagination are our personal demons. Someday, I pray I may have the strength to overcome them and defeat them. For now, however, I must remember that I am only a 4 year old. And not an extremely athletic one at that."
When queried about his former aspirations of becoming a dinosaur himself Boo answered, "No Comment."
He turned with a sigh and whispered, "The dream is dead, long live the dream." And as I watched him walk away a tear rolled down his cheek and his superman cape fluttered in the wind...