Slam Book!

what is your full name?   Amy Elizabeth Condon

what time did you wake up this morning? 7:00am

if you could eat lunch with anyone in the whole world, who would it be? living: Ben Stiller or George Bush (W); deceased: My dad; risen again: Jesus

Whats your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate panda paws...yummy

Who's your favorite president of all time? FDR

What's your favorite movie? Gosh...Chick Flick: When Harry Met Sally, Comedy: So I married a ax muderer, Bruce Almighty, Office Space (don't listen to music) Drama:  Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind   Action: Charlie's Angels 1

What was your favorite subject in school (or what IS your favorite subject in school)? passing notes

If you can go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Whose the last person you talked to on the phone? David

Out of all the places we've moved, where did you enjoy living ! the most? Ithaca

If you have one, what's your favorite book of the Bible? James, Genesis

If you could choose any occupation (money is not an option) what would you be? Coffee Shop owner who teaches life skills to disadvantage women while at the same time planning parties and delivering babies as a midwife and staying home with my children

If someone were to send you a surprise in the mail, what would you want? money, enough to pay our debt

What's your favorite season? spring

Who are your best friends? David, Lily, Allison, Stephanie, and the big guy upstairs(God)

Do you think Lockatoo's cute? yes, but sometimes she makes creepy faces

What has been your favorite memory of this year? San Antonio with David, without kids,etc..etc..

If you could choose any superhero powers, what would you choose? to fly

What's your favorite animal? again, I think I would have to say a Liger

What's your favorite quality about Lockatoo?
she makes you ask questions (oh, and answer them too)
OK, have fun!



Sarah's answers

Katie's answers

David's answers

Locky's answers

Judy's answers

Blair's answers

Brothy's answers

Jimmy's answers