Boo's Dinosaur Stuff
Everything you never wanted to know about dead lizards - just ask Boo!!

NEW!!!Take an exciting Tour with Boo to:
The American Museum of Natural History in NY!

Dinosaurs are cool. They are my friends. I eat with them, I sleep with them, I play with them, I know everything there is to know about them. When I grow up I want to be a dinosaur.

A carnevore, that's a meat eater. They are mean. They eat vegetarians.The kind of dinosaur I would like to be is a Tyrannesorous Rex, T for short. They eat all the other dinosaurs.They eat Diplodocus, Corythosaurus, Triceratops, Brontosaurus, Dimetrodon, Iguanodon, Plateosaurus, Allosaurus, Parasauralophus, Trachadon, Plesiosaurus, and the rest.

If you ever have any questions about dinosaurs let me know. Like, how many fingers they have, what they eat, where they lived, what games they liked to play, or how to pronounce Coelophysis.Maybe soon I will write about my theory on where the dinosaurs are now and why we can't see them.


"Hey Boo, It's Auntie Locky! Do you know of any pinkish purple dinosaurs?"

Hi Aunt Lock,

There is a lot of controversy surrounding your particular question in the paleontological world. You see, there are many things that we can tell by the bones of the great lizards, but color and texture are not among them. For all we know Dinosaurs were fuzzy orange thingies. The popular pictures we see in books or in movies are based largely on educated guesses. In regards to color artistic license and speculation are used. I looked through all of my books and found no pictures of pinkish purple dinosaurs. Although I do have an eraser shaped like a Quetzalcoatlus that is a magenta color with violet spots and one of the dinosaurs Grandy gave me is a purplish pink dilophosaurus. The answer comes down to faith. If you believe that there are pinkish purple dinosaurs, neither I nor any other dinosaur expert will ever be able to conger enough evidence to disprove it. Go on Aunt Locky - Dream your dreams of giant pinkish purple lizards wandering the earth and I will continue dreaming my dream of one day growing up to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex named T-Bone.


Your Nephew Boo


"Hi Boo...It's your cousin, Bailey Hart. What kind of games do dinosaurs play?"

Hi Bailey, Dinosaurs are generally very playful creatures. They like playing hide and seek, a couple of their favorite hiding spots were apparently tar pits and ice floes. And they were good hiding spots too because none of their friends ever found them. But we get to find them now. Dinosaurs in museums enjoy two of my favorite games, the "quiet game" and "staring contest". They are really good at this. They can go hours without making a noise or blinking once. Other games were more popular with certain species than others. T-Rex, for example, enjoyed playing tag, while the much slower Protoceratops never quite got the hang of it. One of the games we plan to play at my Dinosaur birthday Party in a couple of weeks is "Pin The Tale on the Stegosaurus." But that is more a people game then a dinosaur game.

Thank you for your question,



"Hey Boo--Homeshopper here. I'm dino-agnostic...did dinosaurs really exist?"


Okay, first things first lets correct a couple of aspects of your very important and interesting question. The term "Dino-Agnostic" may not mean exactly what you think it means.1. Dino - from the Latin meaning Terrible -Hence: Dinosaur = "Terrible Lizard" 2. Agnosticism - according to The Columbia Encyclopedia: - "a form of skepticism that holds that the existence of God cannot be logically proved or disproved. Among prominent agnostics have been Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, and T. H. Huxley (who coined the word agnostic in 1869). Immanuel Kant was an agnostic who argued that belief in divinity can rest only on faith. Agnosticism is not to be confused with atheism, which asserts that there is no God. Ergo: To be "Dino-agnostic" would mean that you can not prove or disprove the existence of the concept of "Terrible" If instead you meant that you were adinosauristic - that is that you do not believe in the existence of dinosaurs than we can deal with that very controversial question. There is overwhelming evidence in the geologic and paleontologic records to verify the existence of dinosaurs. No one denies that they existed. That would be like saying that you do not believe that Lincoln was really the President because no one who is alive now was there to verify the matter. Records prove that he was indeed the president just as records prove that dinosaurs did indeed exist. The controversy comes into play with the interpretation of said records. Evolutionists would have us believe that Dinosaurs ruled the earth and became extinct before man evolved from the primordial slime. Creationists would have us believe that Dinosaurs co-existed with humans and simply became extinct over time. I personally believe in the latter theory. I believe that the dinosaurs were evicted from Noah's Ark for causing a ruckus and partying too loudly and keeping the rest of God's Creatures awake as they tried to get some rest after their long journey's to the Ark before the rain started coming. You may ask, "Hey Boo, What about those dinosaurs that could swim?" Well, Homey, I would have to say that they are still around, though their numbers have been greatly depleted over the last few centuries. Ever heard of the Lock Ness Monster? He was actually a Plesiosaurus. Those sea monsters that sailors talked about for so many years? Those were actually Liopleurodon and Mosesaurus. And what of the dragons that occur in so many stories from both Europe and Asia? Those were indeed the last of a dying species of dinosaurs that had been around since God created them, the same week he indeed created humans. Of course, these are the opinions of a 4 year old kid with a limited education. As with all mysteries of this world you must come to your own conclusions.

Here are some web sites that may help you in your journey to discover the truth: http://

Thank you again for your very interesting if not misworded question,

Peace Out,



Hi Boo:  This is Grandy. How long have you been interested in dinosaurs? How many do you own? Do you have a favorite one?

I have been interested in Dinosaurs for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time ago. [I own] 50 Hundred of them. My Favorites are T-Rex and Dilophosaurus. - Boo


Boo, I have some more questions for you.---Bailey Hart...

1. If you had a pet dinosaur, what would you do with it? Feed him milk and cookies, Play Candyland, take him for a walk. But Le Quiche doesn't like animals so she can have a pet fish instead.

2. If there was a T-Rex in your neighborhood and it was eating up YOU, what would you do? I would break off his teeth and run away and he can't eat me anymore. If that doesn't work my daddy Obi Wan can shoot him with his sword and I could run run run and then he died.

- Boo


"Hey Boo, it's Auntie Locky again.  Sometimes people call me Locky Ness Monster..."


If you found a big dinosaur egg in your yard, what would you do? --Cousin Bailey

Hey Bailey, I have indeed found a big dinosaur egg in my yard. I sat on it for a while to keep it warm but those things are hard and after a while it started to hurt. So I got this big inflatable triceratops and put the egg under it so it would think that it was its mother. But it still didn't hatch and the triceratops sprung a leak and deflated. My dad says that no one knows quite how long the gestational period for prehistoric animals are, so it could be a few years. Right now, the dinosaur egg is being used as a door stop in my room. I will tell you when it hatches, although, at this point I am starting to think that it might just be a big round rock.

Thanks for your question my brother from another mother,


If you were a dinosaur, what would you do? --Bailey Hart

I would scare people with my horrible teeth like a spinosaurus or a Seanasaurus.

What made you so interested in the dinosaur species?---Ryan Hart

I don't remember. I liked them since I was a little baby.


"Boo, my favorite dinosour is a triceritops. I don't know about them very much though. Can YOU tell me about them???" --Ryan Hart

(Boo is looking up Triceratops in his Dino dictionary) Triceratops have three horns and it can run almost 60 miles away. It has big horns so that they can bump T-rexes and they are one of the greatest animals in the world. They can protect their babies in the summer. They can push up trees with their horns, too. They use their horns also to beat big predators up. They eat plants and don't eat meat. Their skulls are the greatest skulls in the world. These are good dinosaurs. I hope you like this information. I am willing to answer dinosaur questions during the day but not at night because they give me bad dreams. I want you to know about Tochisaurus but I really don't know about them yet. I will let you know as I learn. I love you so much and I will come visit someday. I want to come there but not right now, I'm busy. Love, Boo.