A Mighty Wind Brothy's Favorite Lines : 1. "I would love to see this town in the autumn. I think Crabbeville in autumn would look quite magnificent." - Mitch referring to the toy train set 2. "There was abuse in my family, but it was mostly musical in nature." - Terry Bohner 3. "Thank God for the model trains, you know? If they didn't have the model trains they wouldn't have gotten the idea for the big trains." - Amber 4. "This is not an occult science. This is not one of those crazy systems of divination and astrology. That stuff's hooey, and you've got to have a screw loose to go in for that sort of thing. Our beliefs are fairly commonplace and simple to understand. Humankind is simply materialized color operating on the 49th vibration. You would make that conclusion walking down the street or going to the store." - Terry Bohner Brothy's Favorite Scene : Lawrence: Alright, here's your giant banjo... Brothy's Opinion in a Nutshell : From the guys who brought such great films as "This is Spinal Tap", "Best in Show" and "Waiting for Guffman" this movie is the best so far. It pokes fun at anyone who takes the '60s and folk music too seriously. Eugene Levee's character of Mitch is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I believe I have met people just like that at open mike nights around the country. The music is very well done and was written by the actors themselves. I think Lars Olfen, the character played by Ed Begley Jr. said it best when he said, "The naches that I'm feeling right now... 'cause your dad was like mishpoche to me. When I heard I got this ticket to the Folksmen, I let out a geshreeyeh, and I'm running with my friend... running around like a vilde chaye, right into the theater, in the front row! So we've got the schpilkes, 'cause we're sittin' right there... and it's a mizvah, what your dad did, and I want to try to give that back to you. Okeinhoreh, I say, and God bless him." <--[ Take me out of here!] |