Zoe Rhodes Condon

Hello everybody! My name is Zoe...I was born in Austin, TX on April 25th, 2003 at 7:15 pm. We had such terrible assistance at the hospital that we insisted on leaving and I was actually home a little over 24 hours after I came into the world.
My best friend is my brother Sean, though he often gets on my nerves by kissing and hugging me too much. My other best friend is Vanessa, who is Sean's age but enjoys playing with me because I let her boss me around. My parents would hope that they are my bestest best friends but I consistently get the mommy/daddy titles confused (with a hint of a smile indicating that I really know but I am just trying to irritate them) I look fabulous in purple so of course that is my favorite color. My room is purple, I have several purple velvet outfits and I really likes me some grape juice - sweet. I am a natural dancer, like my mother.
I already understand rhythms and so I move differently to each song; but no matter what my bottom is always shaking.
I love to color with markers and no canvas is off limits to me (much to the chagrin of my parents). Again, I particularly enjoy the taste of the purple marker.
I am quite a talker. I definitely makes my needs known. "Pease" (please) and "Tanks" (thanks) have been taught at an early age and "Over dair" (over there) is used quite often when describing where Sean is. Sean is "Don", Vanessa is "Nonnie", Gram is "Dam", and mommy and daddy are just that except I assign the title to whomever I feel like.
I am starting to really challenge all my parents advise me to do so it is the beginning of an interesting phase for them. I am very strong willed and like to do things in my own time and only if I want to. I am athletic and artistic so I have gotten the best of both of my parents. And do I have to mention the HAIR? Zoe means life (in Greek, per Daddy) and I am demonstrating at a young age that I am definitely going to be full of it.


Comments about Zoe from others...

"Zoe can be shy around people, but once you get to know her you realize she has a very strong personality. She can make you tear your hair out in frustration and melt your heart within the span of 10 seconds." --David Condon, daddy

"Zoe is very nurturing and loving. She is also very mature for her age, but when she's dancing...Watch out!"
--Sarah Bisher, auntie

"Zoe is very smart and well behaved - she is also very affectionate. i love to hug her."--Susan Condon, Grandy

If you have a comment about Zoe, send it to Katie@rositaverdita.com.



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