"It is my own personal theory that every person has an ideal age. In other words there is a time in each of our lives that seemed (or seems) to suit us the most. It doesn't mean that we're not content with any other age or time in our lives. It just seems that there's an age that we most associate ourselves with. For instance, Julia Child's ideal age wouldn't have been 25. Hers would be closer to say, 60. Madonna's could be age 25, but probably won't be 60. Make sense?
So the question is:
What is/was your ideal age or the one you most closely associate yourself with?"
--submitted by Caryn 1/08/05
Amy Condon said - "I don't think I have hit my ideal age. I think 45 will be a great. I have become happier with myself as I have aged and found that I enjoy life more as well. At 45 I will have a lot more freedom than I have had at any other time so far. Up until 22 I was focused on school, 23-26 I was focused on being a new wife and building a career, 26-45 my focus had been on raising great kids. After 45 I will have one kid out of the house and another on the way out (God willing). Financially we will be more secure, so career development won't be such an important issue (God willing). Also, my mom looked great at 45 so I have high hopes. Life continues to get better, blessings are overwhelming, so I look to the future with great anticipation." |
David Condon said - "Puke... no just kidding... My ideal age has not yet arrived. At least I hope not, if so I missed it. I always see myself as a great "old guy." No longer self-conscious, able to laugh at myself and my past, with a big full head of white hair. The last part is coming sooner then later I fear. I hate to try to put an exact number on it, but if forced to I would say around 50 will be my ideal age. Old enough to have passed the mid-life crisis thing, but (God willing) not quite a grandpa yet. My mind and my faith will have continued to grow while my body is still hanging in there on the precipice, not willing to give into the descent on the other side of the hill. And plus, Amy will be a beautiful middle-aged woman (as per her own answer to this question)." |
Susan Condon said - "I think in my mind I will always be 13 - I am not quite sure why - I just know when I look in the mirror I am always shocked that a 13 year old is not looking back at me. I am happier at 60 than I was at any other age in my life. It seems I went right from childhood to being a mother and somewhere over the years I lost myself. (Generally that is what mothers do). For the first time in my life I have found out who I really am. And, now that I am 60 I don't really care all that much what people think of me - We waste way too much time caring about what other people think when they rarely think about us at all - they are all thinking about themselves. I don't have to worry about looking pretty now or being really thin or making a good impression - heck, I could even spit if I wanted to. I am 60 and I like myself." |
Sarah Bisher said - "This is a very interesting question. I would say that my ideal age is 24, which is right now. I think I've always felt a little "older" than the people around me who were my age. I remember in elementary school, I always thought the kids in my class were boring and I always felt eager to spend time with older people. I always got along better with my friends parents than my actual friends. Even in college, I always felt a little out of place. I wasn't a big partier and I hated hanging around girls who constantly talked about make up and clothes (I still do). I always thought my life would begin when I got married and had children. I think being a mother suits me better than any other role I've had in life. I really feel like I belong to something and somebody. I like what mom said about not caring about what people think of you because I think I've wasted a lot of time worrying about that. I would never want to go back to any age...Except maybe sixteen because I remember I loved telling people that I was sixteen. But I think that for certain people, there prime is in their youth. I think for people in our family (we are deeper and smarter than most people) we progress as we get older because we are constantly learning and growing. I look foward to aging and being wiser. I like the idea of having lots and lots of memories. So, I think for now I'm enjoying my age and I look foward to the future." |
Katie Aitken said - "I used to think the perfect age was 21 because you are old enough to do pretty much anything (except rent a car, but who cares), and you still look young. At the time when I thought this, I was 21, so I didn't realize how dumb I was. I'm probably still dumb and just won't realize it until later. Anyway...hopefully I will not be dumb anymore when I hit thirty. I figure by then I will have fully found myself and be true to what I have found. I will have finished school and can focus solely on being a better wife and mother." |
Being A Condon
Christmas Memory
Thanksgiving Plans
Thanksgiving memory
The Final Dash |