Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not see another person.

--submitted by David 3/28/06
email your answers to: katie@rositaverdita.com


Jim, Jr. said, "Yes"
Susan said, "I would like to spend only one day in quiet, beautiful solitude. A month would be way too long for me to go without talking to people. I guess I am more of a people-person than I care to admit. In my one day, I would enjoy reading, watching nature's beauty and communing with God. By the next morning I would need some people around me (mostly gramps). P.S. Could I bring my Tetris game with me? P.P.S. What kind of food are we talking about here?...cause I may reconsider my answer."
Katie said, "I would do it for about a week. I am very co-dependant on others, so it would be good therapy for me. However, if it was for any longer than a week, I would probably start feeling extremely bored and lonely."


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